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Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services

The mission of College of The Albemarle’s (COA) Accessibility Services is to adapt the school’s general services to the specialized individual needs of persons with disabilities, and provide equal access to all programs and facilities. The College shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, As Amended (“ADA”) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitations Act of 1973 (“Section 504”). All requests for reasonable accommodations will be considered following the appropriate federal and state laws as outlined in Procedure Information provided by students is voluntary and strict confidentiality will be maintained.

Requests and Appeals

Students wishing to make a request for reasonable accommodations must self identify by contacting the coordinator of accessibility and student conduct (coordinator) located within the division of Student Success and Enrollment Management. A Request for Accommodations Form must be completed by the student with supporting documentation of the disability as defined by ADA and Section 504 from a qualified professional. Documentation should be current (within the past five years) and will be used to evaluate requests for reasonable accommodations. The evaluation process will include the impact of the documentation on the goals and standards of the programs, course, and/or activity. The documentation should provide enough information for the student and the College to decide what is an appropriate adjustment to make the relevant College programs, courses, and/or activities accessible to the individual. When submitting an individualized education plan (IEP) or Section 504 plan for documentation, the coordinator, or designee may require additional documentation.

Supporting documentation should include:

  • a current diagnostic statement identifying the disability;
  • the date of the current diagnostic evaluation;
  • the credentials of the diagnosing professional.

Supporting documentation may include:

  • the date of the original diagnosis;
  • a description of the diagnostic criteria and/or the diagnostic test used;
  • a description of the current functional impact;
  • all treatments, medications, assistive devices/services currently prescribed or in use; and;
  • professional recommendations regarding accommodations and services.

Upon receipt of all forms and documents, within 10 college working days, the coordinator and student will work together to develop an accommodation plan based on the documentation provided and the student’s needs. Whenever necessary, the coordinator will contact the instructor, program chair or academic dean to determine what reasonable accommodations may be provided.

Students requesting reasonable accommodations for instruction/class should submit the request form and documentation four weeks prior to the start of the class. Requests made after the start of the term will be processed in a timely manner; however, accommodations are not retroactive.

Students who have not attended for two consecutive semesters will need to complete a new Request for Accommodations Form. New, supporting documentation may be required as well.

The appropriate accommodations must be determined based on disability and individual needs. Accommodations may include auxiliary aids and services, as well as modifications to academic requirements as necessary to ensure the Student’s access to equal educational opportunities. In providing accommodations, the College will consider whether such would lower or substantially modify the essential requirements of the programs, courses, and/or activities offered. Similarly, the College shall consider whether the sought accommodations would fundamentally alter the nature of these services, programs, or activities or create an undue financial or administrative burden on the College. Educational accommodation plans are valid for one academic semester unless otherwise noted. Students must update and sign a new educational accommodation plan at the beginning of each academic semester.

The coordinator or designee will send a student’s approved Educational Accommodation Plan to the student’s instructor(s) on record the week prior to the start of the appropriate term. If the plan is not signed before the beginning of the semester, the coordinator or designee will send the student’s Educational Accommodation Plan to the student’s instructors within five (5) College working days of signing the plan. Notifications to instructors by the coordinator or designee do not remove the student’s responsibility to communicate with their instructors about using their accommodations requiring student requests for each use.

Unsigned plans of accommodations will be kept on file for one year. If a student does not sign the plan of accommodation, the document will not be released to professors, and accommodations will not be provided.

Download Request Form

Accessibility Services for Dual-Enrolled High School Students

The requirements and procedures relating to accessibility services differ between public schools (K through 12) and colleges. The plan of accommodation provided by COA may not mirror accommodations provided in the high school setting. While we will try to maintain alignment, accommodations included in 504 and IEP plans written at the high school level may not always be offered through COA. Dual-Enrolled High School Students will follow the process outlined above and in Procedure

High School and Postsecondary Disability Services Compared

Release of Confidential Information

Please provide the release of confidential information form to any doctors, schools or agencies that need to release information.

Release of Confidential Information

If you feel that you’ve received an improper accommodation or unfair treatment regarding your disability, please refer to Procedure for instructions on how to start the appeal process. Student Services is here to help you access COA’s educational opportunities, programs and activities, and we welcome your questions and feedback. Feel free to stop by our offices or call to schedule an appointment.

For more information:

Michelle Yasem
Coordinator, Accessibility and Student Conduct